Microfluidics System To detect Circulating Tumour Cells
These projects are a part of 3 hackathons focused on addressing current global issues facing healthtech and medical staff in North America and the EU.
Issues include long emergency room wait times, overworked medical staff, understaffed medical facilities with overburdened staff, and stressful working conditions for first responders and medical staff:
Very long wait times in emergency rooms
Understaffed medical facilities
- High shortage in medical staff
Overburdened staff
- Overtasked staff, in understaffed environments
Highly stressful working conditions for first responders and medical staff
- Exceptional high levels of stressful conditions, compared to the majority of other work environments/fields
- Limited access to no avenues to reduce stress, especially in understaffed facilities
Awards for the hackathons:
• Microsoft: Discover AI (Toronto Canada):
Among the top 25 teams in Canada.
• WhatTheHack (Leuven, Belgium):
Winners of the healthtech competition
Winners of the audience award
Winners of the Lions Den (competition among the winners of all the hackathon's categories)
• Lumohacks (Vancouver, Canada):
2nd place
Winner of the hardware competition.
• Finalist- The Medical Device Development Centre 2019 Student Awards 2019 (Vancouver, Canada)
* Hackathon is a 24hrs event where teams design solutions and work towards building them, within the 24hrs time-limit.
Hardware used: microcontroller with a number of sensors including a stress button counter, where users click the button to count the number of very stressful interactions during their shift.
Testing the hardware.

Hardware data gets uploaded to a custom-built database